Fire & Rescue

Welcome to Westville Fire and Rescue

The Westville Fire and Rescue provides fire protection, rescue and medical first response to the residents of Westville. Based out of the Fire Station on Queen Street.

 The 30 member department is equipped with the latest in equipment which includes two fire engines capable of pumping 1050 GPM, a fully equipped rescue unit, mobile air unit, plus an auxiliary unit.

Dispatch and Mobile Air Unit

Photo of the rear of a Fire engine

Emergencies are dispatched via Valley Dispatch via mobile pagers. The department is a member of the Pictou County Firefighters Association and is a part of their Mutual Aid Agreement and Automatic Aid Agreement. This enables the department to automatically receive assistance to situations from neighboring departments and also provide needed assistance to any department within Pictou County.

Photo of the underside of Helicopter flying above

The Mobile Air Unit provides SCBA air services to various departments within the area as well. Westville Rescue provides Vehicle Extraction to the surrounding area outside Westville boundary.

Westville Firefighters

Westville Firefighters also take an active role in the life of the community organizing such events as the Westville Canada Day, Jay Fraser/Joe McLeod Show n Shine, and the Christmas Parade of Lights.

Applications for Membership

Can be obtained from the Westville Town Office.

Contact: Chief Ken Dunn

Cell phone: 902-759-7122
